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Baptism of the Holy Spirit
by Frank Padilla, CFC Pastoral Center Director
Reprinted from November - December, 1995 issue of Ugnayan Magazine

On the day of Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus experienced an infilling of the Holy Spirit by which they were transformed into bold and effective proclaimers of the good news. And what started as a small band of people forming a sect within Judaism blossomed into a surging movement that within a few centuries had christianized the known civilized world.

What had happened? What could account for such radical transformation in people? How could one explain the powerful movement that evolved? Simply this: The disciples had been baptized with the Holy Spirit.

This same baptism with (or "in") the Holy Spirit remains important, or rather crucial, for the life of God's people today. And it is an integral element in the life and ministry of CFC.

The Scriptural Citation...

The phrase "baptize with the holy Spirit" appears only six times in the Bible. John the Baptist says it once, but appearing in all four gospels (Mt 3 :11 , Mk 1:8, Lk 3 :16, Jn 1 :33)...
Defining It...

Our basic text is Acts 1:8, "you will receive power when the holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth"...

Is baptism in the Spirit different from water baptism?

Yes. Jesus himself distinguished the two baptisms (Acts 1:5). In Samaria, people experienced water baptism before and distinct from baptism in the Spirit...

Power for mission

Prior to his ascension, Jesus told the disciples that they would be his witnesses, to preach repentance in his name to all the nations (Lk 24:4748). However, they were to stay in the city...

How about the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation (for Catholics)?

In Baptism, we do receive the Spirit, and in fact this sacrament is also called "the washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit"...

Power To Witness...

Much of the early Christian witness had to do with the way they lived their lives. They lived a radically transformed communal life (Acts 2:4247; Acts 4:32-35)...

The Experiential Factor...

But why are Christians who have been conferred special grace through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation so often worldly, sluggish, and bad witnesses to their faith?...

All Fired Up...

The imagery of fire is very appropriate. While baptism with water is for repentance, baptism with fire is for purification (Mt 3:11-12). It is not enough that our original sin is washed away...

Importance vs necessity

How important? Is baptism in the Holy Spirit (as an experience distinct from Baptism and Confirmation) necessary to the Christian life?...

The Global Dimension...

This zeal for mission is imparted in order to do ministry to the ends of the earth...

Pentecost Power Today...

The power of Pentecost is available today through the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This Pentecost power is meant to fill the Church and the whole people of God...

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