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We are proud winner

The Sword of Gideon


The armed services personnel (the military, police, para-military forces, private security guards) are tasked with the protection of the citizenry. They are called to be their champions. However, in many instances, we see corruption and criminal activities in their ranks, and even oppression of the very people they are supposed to protect.

In the work of total human liberation, in the quest for justice an peace in society and in the world, the renewal of the armed services is essential. They are instrument s of them law and of the governing authorities given the task of establishing peace and order in the land.

Our goal is to work for the spiritual renewal of the armed services personnel in order that they might serve God and His people according to his will and His way.

Our Name

In relation to men-at-arms, one inspiration for us in the Bible is Gideon. He was called by the Lord to become a champion for His people (Jgs 6:12). He recognized his insignificance (Jgs 6:15), but he responded to the call of the Lord. With just 300 men, the Lord enabled him to defeat the vast army of the4 Midianites, Amelekites and Kedemites (Jgs 7).

Their weapons consisted of horns and empty jars and torches (Jgs 7:16). The “:blew horns and broke their jars. They held the torches in their left hands, and in their right the horns they were blowing” (Jgs 7:20). In our work, we need to be purified and formed, by becoming empty of ourselves and broken in the hands f the Lord, and when we go to battle we bring forth the light of Christ (torches) in the power of the Spirit (horns).

Our battle cry "A sword for the Lord and Gideon!" (Jgs 7:20)

Our Vision

A mighty army of God that will do battle with the forces of evil in the land and help usher in the reign of God, one characterized by justice, peace and security.

Our Mission

Establishment of a unified and committed body of Christians in the armed services who are sufficiently transformed and formed in Christ through the CAC community so that their individual as well as collective actions result in a positive impact on the conduct and practice within the armed services.

Our Work

We will penetrate all military camps, police stations and private security agencies in the whole country and bring our regular programs of renewal. We intend to reach not only the armed services personnel, but also the members of their respective families. We will include those who have retired from active military and police services.

Special emphasis will be given to the evangelization of the top echelon of the leadership of the various armed services.

Networking with the other CFC Family and Special Ministries will be implemented.

This site is unofficial website of Couples for Christ.
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