Couples For Christ Logo
The CFC logo has three (3) elements: the concentric circles, the cross, and
the dove. The CFC logo stands for who we are and what we are for.
The Concentric Circles

These stand for 2 wedding rings, one on top of the other. They
depict Christian marriage, where two have become one. They stand for the
unity between husband and wife, a unity manifesting itself in mutual love
and service. The ring also point to our family life ministry. The family is
to be the focus as well as the foundation of our work.
The Cross

This stands for the cross of Christ. The central position of the
cross states that Christ is at the center of our lives and of our work. The
cross is also an empty cross. It shows that Christ is risen. By his death
and resurrection, Christ conquered sin and death, and won for us our
salvation. Finally, the cross stands for the radical Christian life we are
called to. It is a life where we are to take up the cross of Christ (Mt.
The Dove

The dove represents the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit Who is
our guide, our counsellor, our advocate. He is the Spirit of truth. He is
the source of power and strength for the Christian life.
The dove also indicates the charismatic dimension of our spirituality. We
are to pursue our work of renewal with the full use of all charismatic gifts
at our disposal (1 Cor. 12:4-11).
The Concentric Circles and the Cross
The circles also stand for the globe or the world. Christ is at the center.
He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Our work is to participate in
the fulfillment of God's plan: to bring all things in the heavens and on
earth into one under Christ's headship (Eph. 1:10).
Also depicted is the establishment of CFC worldwide family, the one global community under the lordship of Christ. The circles also suggest the ever widening network of renewed families in Christ. The light and life of Christ radiates outwards and touches the lives of more and more people. CFC is an evangelistic movement, intending to bring Christ to all people and to all
Taken all together, the meaning of the CFC logo is this ...

CFC is a work of Christ which raises up Christian couples and establishes Christian families committed to the work of evangelization and winning the world for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.